Family Campground
The Family Campground for the 2017 Cadet International Camporee will be at the Custer / Mount Rushmore KOA near Custer, South Dakota on US Highway 16.
To contact the campground directly, please use the phone number under INFO. After September 30, you may need to wait for a call back since they will be officially closed for the season.
Campground Photos from Custer / Mount Rushmore KOA website
Contact Info
Open: May 1 - September 30
Reserve: 800-562-5828
Info: 605-673-4304
Address: 12021 US Highway 16 Custer, SD 57730
Directions found on their website

3 miles west of Custer on Hwy 16 on the way to Jewel Cave and Newcastle, WY. GPS reliability is inconsistent across brands and types and some campers have been misdirected when entering only our address.
GPS Coordinates: Latitude: N 43.74143 Longitude: W 103.65418
Call us when you get close and we'll bring you home!
For info about what else to see while out in the Black Hills, see Touring the Black Hills